Wishing Well preschool nursery, Poplar shaw, Waltham Abbey, Essex EN9 3NJ
Joining the preschool - nursery
Fees & age range
The fee for all age groups is £7.75 per hour, full day care 8-6 pm £69
Fees are payable if your child is unable to attend through illness, appointments or holidays. Payment is required a month in advance. Bank holidays are chargeable Yearly increase every January. We require one month's notice starting from the first day of the week.
We accept children from the age of 3 months up to the age of 5 years
The Preschool- Nursery is open 50 weeks of the year
We are fully insured with Sun Alliance Insurance Company.
Before a child starts
Before a child starts our Preschool-Nursery, we require the person who is caring for that child to make an appointment and visit. Therefore, we can make ourselves familiar with you and talk though our policies.
We charge £180 deposit when signing our contract, plus £20 registration fee, for under 2s. And £30 depoist and £20 registration fee for the over 2s. This will need to be paid before a childcare place can be held.
Food and Drink
We will provide your child with milk, or water, a healthy snack at each session and hot meal at lunch time. If your child is allergic to any foods would you, please indicate this on the enrolment form. You can also view our food menu here. Breakfast between 8am-8.30am
Opening Times
We are open Monday to Friday every day throughout the year.
Additional costs for snacks and hot meals.
Opening Times 2 - 5 Year olds
Morning sessions 8am-1pm
8am-3.30 / 4pm
Full day care 8am – 6pm
Opening Times 0 - 2 Year olds
Full day care 8am – 6pm or 8am -4pm for 50 weeks a year
If you would like to visit the Preschool-nursery please telephone 07703 601924 or email wishingwelllynn@gmail.com.
Government funded places
We provide Government funded places for 9 months and over, two year olds and three and four-year-old children.
Government fund for 15 hours a week for 38 weeks a year extra hours and weeks are payable. If required.
A consumable fee will be applicable for all sessions which includes but limited food, dance lessons and football sessions . For 30 hour funding a consumable fee is charged please ask nursery for details.
Statutory Bodies and Affiliations
We are registered with OFSTED Early years and all reports are available for your viewing at anytime. We are also members of the Pre-School Learning Alliance.